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Сентябрь 2009.

Как включить s voice samsung galaxy s5

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Thankfully, you can easily disable this shortcut key and S Voice altogether to make the home button slightly more responsive.

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Read below to find out how. Activate S Voice on your Galaxy S5 by quickly pressing the home button twice. Then, Tap the menu overflow button on the top-right followed by the Settings option. You can also switch off the voice wake-up functionality from here.

This is because the default shortcut to enable S Voice is to quickly double tap the home button. So, every time you press the home button once, it waits to check if the user is going to press the button a second time or not. While this delay has been very much reduced on the Galaxy S5 compared to the S4, it is still very much noticeable coming from any other Android device.

This should help in slightly increasing the battery life as well. The above steps should help in greatly increasing the home button responsiveness on your Galaxy S5 as well as the Galaxy S4. Keep in mind that there is now no way to quickly activate S Voice other than going into your app drawer and launching it. Sign up for our AndroidBeat Daily newsletter to get the top Android news stories and tips delivered to your inbox.

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